
Issue Title
Vol 5, No 3 (2019) Adoption of Agroforestry-Porang Model for Land Utilization under Teak Stands Abstract  PDF
Hermudananto Hermudananto, Dwiko Budi Permadi, Ratih Madya Septiana, Slamet Riyanto, Andita Aulia Pratama
Vol 9, No 3 (2023): September Enabling the Grass Root: Health Cadres Empowerment Program in Efforts to Prevent and Manage Hypertension in the Tanjung Sub-Village Community Abstract  PDF
Purwanta Purwanta, Deskantari Murti Ari Sadewa, Diarannisa Sahrinanda, Indah Rizky, Ismi Marfuatim Muthoharoh, Vina Yunistyaningrum
Vol 10, No 1 (2024): March Improving Skills Through Training in Freshwater Fish Farming and Crystal Guava Jam Production (Bantarjaya Village, Bogor Regency, West Java) Abstract  PDF
Ali Umar, Idung Risdiyanto, Anita Maharani Albarkah, Maulana Aziz, Muhammad Fajar Bagaskara
Vol 9, No 3 (2023): September Revitalization of Winong Spring as a Generator of Ecotourism Activities to Promote Local Economic Development in Giripurno Village as One of Borobudur Buffer Zones Abstract  PDF
Junun Sartohadi, Ahmad Priyo Sambodo, Santika Purwitaningsih, Amir Noviyanto, Pramasti Dyah Nhindyasari, Dema Azmir Hatta, Marshanda Sasmita Putri, Hartanti Hartanti, Erika Galih Ayu Priyawati
Vol 7, No 1 (2021) Community Engagement Program Odapus (People with Lupus) ‘My Lupus’ Support Group Based in Wedomartani Abstract  PDF
Ayu Paramaiswari Nurtjahjo, Sri Awalia Febriana, Noor Asyiqah Sofia
Vol 10, No 3 (2024): September Breast Cancer Prevention Education Through Community Empowerment and TPS (Transactional, Precise, and Skilled) Communication Model in Bontang City Abstract  PDF
Erni Asneli Asbi, Diyanti Isnani Siregar, Khairu Zein, Emi Triani, Nicholas Marpaung
Vol 8, No 3 (2022) Empowerment Program in Pesagi Village Community: Assistance in Compounding Innovative Peel-off Pain Reliever (UNO) Derived from Family Medicinal Plants Abstract  PDF
Putu Dian Marani Kurnianta, Agustina Nila Yuliawati, I Komang Tri Musthika, Ni Kadek Ayu Sri Darma Putri, Ni Luh Putu Asra Dianita, Ni Putu Sudiasih, Ni Made Ayu Lestari, Ni Putu Arik Candra Wahyuni, I Putu Gede Hendra Wiarta, Powen Ester Jacqlien Fangidae, I Made Ngurah Arya Kresna Acharya Putra
Vol 10, No 2 (2024): June Screening Lung Cancer in Sampang Regency, Madura Through Empowerment and Health Cadres Formation Abstract  PDF
Resti Yudhawati, Laksmi Wulandari, Anna Febriani, Farah Fatma Wati, Richar Tomy Thendeyas, Nurul Atik, Wulan Rahmawati Hariputri, Donny Ardika Novananda, Shandy Billy Riyanto
Vol 8, No 4 (2022) Community Satisfaction Analysis of the Implementation of Semen Gresik Rembang Factory’s CSR Abstract  PDF
Mahditia Paramita, Hendra Hendra
Vol 8, No 3 (2022) Training of The Utilization of Medicinal Plants as Complementary Medicine Among Health Workers Abstract  PDF
Haerawati Idris, Dian Safriantini, Tia Sabrina
Vol 7, No 1 (2021) Empowerment Programs among Local Inhabitants at Rabak Residence in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Roikhan Mochamad Aziz
Vol 8, No 2 (2022) Ramadhan Community Service and Strengthening the Community’s Spirituality in Tambang Village, Ponorogo Abstract  PDF
Siti Musarofah, Ummi Mahmudah
Vol 9, No 2 (2023): June ICT Training to Improve CLC Data Management through Nonformal Education Service Program Abstract  PDF
Entoh Tohani, Pujiyanti Fauziah, Iis Prasetya, Munifah Munifah, Dewi Sylviani
Vol 4, No 1 (2018) Penguatan Peran Warga Masyarakat dalam Perencanaan, Penganggaran, dan Evaluasi Hasil Pembangunan Desa Abstract  PDF
Susetiawan Susetiawan, DC Mulyono, Muhammad Yunan Roniardian
Vol 4, No 1 (2018) Teknologi Tepat Guna pada Induk Kambing Melalui Penerapan Breeding Center Dan Flushing di Sentra Peternakan Rakyat Kebon Wulangreh, Desa Karangdukuh, Klaten Abstract  PDF
Bayu Andri Atmoko, I Gede Suparta Budisatria, Nono Ngadiyono, Febri Aryanti, Panjono Panjono
Vol 9, No 2 (2023): June Prevention of Hypertension through Screening and Education for At-Risk Populations in Prancak Glondong Abstract  PDF
Jihan Fola
Vol 5, No 2 (2019) Upaya Peningkatan Status Kesehatan Kelompok Rentan dengan Pendekatan Pembelajaran dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Abstract  PDF
Cahyo Wulandari, Dwi Wahyu Setiyarini, Khulatul Bariroh, Laraswati Laraswati, M. Fa’iq Azhari, Rezza Abdurrahman Ibnu Aziz
Vol 6, No 2 (2020) Accompaniment on Application of Concentrates as Cattle Feed for Palm-Oil Plantation Farmers Abstract  PDF
Endang Baliarti, Hamdani Maulana, Nono Ngadiyono, I Gede Suparta Budisatria, Panjono Panjono, Tri Satya Mastuti Widi, Muhammad Danang Eko Yulianto, Bayu Andri Atmoko
Vol 10, No 2 (2024): June Training on Making Organic Fertilizer at SMPN 5 Satu Atap Labuhan Badas, Sumbawa Regency Abstract  PDF
Alfassabiq Khairi, Fahmi Dwilaksono, Ayu Purnamasari, Gatot Ardiansah
Vol 9, No 3 (2023): September The Potential of Using the Africanisation Framework to Improve Outcomes in the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Industry of Rustenburg, South Africa Abstract  PDF
Gloria Neo Tsipane, Neil Barnes
Vol 8, No 2 (2022) Empowering Ginger Farmer Through Fostering the Production of Liquid Organic Fertilizer During the Covid-19 Pandemic Abstract  PDF
Slamet Fauzi, Susan Barbara Patricia
Vol 9, No 2 (2023): June Advocating Community Economic Resilience Framework in Kemadang Food Barn, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta: Accentuating the Social Capital Perspective Abstract  PDF
Rossalina Christanti, Hardo Firmana Given Grace Manik, Catarina Aprilia Ariestanti
Vol 10, No 2 (2024): June Adolescent Reproductive Health Education as an Effort to Increase Reproductive Health Knowledge and Marriage Readiness in Mancasan Kleben Village Abstract  PDF
Rika Suryana, Muhammad Rivaldi, Vika Ichsania Ninditya, Defy Rizky Ramadhany, Khusnul Khatimah, Fikhri Astina Tasmara, Reski Amalia
Vol 8, No 4 (2022) Community-Based Integrated Water Resources Conservation on Mount Penanggungan in Pasuruan, Jawa Timur Abstract  PDF
Muhammad Chrisna Satriagasa, Ambar Kusumandari, Hatma Suryatmojo, Faizal Nur Fahmi, Uswatun Chasanah
Vol 7, No 3 (2021) Application of Postharvest management of Corn to Support Integrated Farming System Abstract  PDF
Joko Nugroho Wahyu Karyadi, Dwi Ayuni, Nursigit Bintoro, Sri Rahayoe, Bambang Purwantana
1 - 25 of 57 Items 1 2 3 > >> 

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