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Issue Title
Vol 24, No 1 (2019) Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in GDF9 gene associated with litter size in Garut sheep Abstract   PDF
Resti Yuliana Rahmawati, Sumadi Sumadi, Tety Hartatik
Vol 13, No 1 (2008) Identification of Thymocyte Subset by Multicolor Flow Cytometry ED LSR II FACSDriva - FlowJo Software Analysis Abstract   PDF
H. Harapan, W. Wienands, I. Ichsan, Ana Indrayati
Vol 19, No 1 (2014) Impact of Curcuma mangga Val. Rhizome Essential Oil to p53, Bcl-2, H-Ras and Caspase-9 expression of Myeloma Cell Line Abstract   PDF
Endang Astuti, Retno Sunarminingsih, Umar Anggara Jenie, Sofia Mubarika, S. Sismindari
Vol 18, No 1 (2013) Improvement of Seed Orchard Management Based on Mating System of Cajuputi Trees Abstract   PDF
Noor Khomsah Kartikawati, Mohammad Naiem, Eko Bhakti Hardiyanto, Anto Rimbawanto
Vol 29, No 3 (2024) Improving transient gene expression and agroinfiltration‐based transformation effectiveness in Indonesian orchid Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume Abstract   PDF
Dionysia Heviarie Primasiwi, Yekti Asih Purwestri, Endang Semiarti
Vol 28, No 2 (2023) In silico analysis of antibiotic resistance genes in Lactiplantibacillus plan‐ tarum subsp. plantarum Kita‐3 Abstract   PDF
Angelia Wattimury, Dian Anggraini Suroto, Tyas Utami, Rachma Wikandari, Endang Sutriswati Rahayu
Vol 26, No 4 (2021) In silico characterization and comparison of the fruit ripening related beta‐ amylase (BAM) gene family in banana genome A and B Abstract   PDF
Erdianty Setiabudi, Karlia Meitha, Fenny Martha Dwivany
Vol 23, No 2 (2018) In vitro anticancer activity of N-benzyl 1,10-phenanthroline derivatives on human cancer cell lines and their selectivity Abstract   PDF
Eti Nurwening Sholikhah, Jumina Jumina, Sitarina Widyarini, Ruslin Hadanu, Mustofa Mustofa
Vol 11, No 1 (2006) In vitro Antiplasmodial Activity and Cytotoxicity of Vincadifformine and Its Semisynthetic Derivatives Abstract   PDF
M. Mustofa, Michèle Mallié, Alexis Valentin, Guy Lewin
Vol 25, No 2 (2020) In vitro expression of the recombinant fusion protein of Newcastle disease virus from local Indonesian isolates by using a cell-free protein expression system Abstract   PDF
Aris Haryanto, Hevi Wihadmadyatami, Nastiti Wijayanti
Vol 19, No 2 (2014) In Vitro Screening of Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) with Gall Rust (Uromycladium tepperianum (Sacc.) Filtrate as Media Selection Abstract   PDF
Asri Insiana Putri, Mohammad Na'iem, Sapto Indrioko, Sri Rahayu, Ari Indrianto
Vol 27, No 1 (2022) Increased activity of sugarcane sucrose‐phosphate synthase in transgenic tomato in response to N‐terminal truncation Abstract   PDF
Siti Nurul Afidah, Inyana Dwi Agustien, Parawita Dewanti, Bambang Sugiharto
Vol 27, No 1 (2022) Increased serial levels of platelet‐derived growth factor using hypoxic mesenchymal stem cell‐conditioned medium to promote closure acceler‐ ation in a full‐thickness wound Abstract   PDF
Pangesti Drawina, Agung Putra, Taufiqurrachman Nasihun, Yan Wisnu Prajoko, Bayu Tirta Dirja, Nur Dina Amalina
Vol 19, No 2 (2014) Induced-Coagulated Plasma-Fibrin Gels as a Biological Scaffold for Cell Attachment and Proliferation of Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (UC-MSC) Abstract   PDF
Rio Hermantara, Fiano A. Kerans, Rizal R, E. Henny Herningtyas, Lutfan Lazuardi
Vol 20, No 1 (2015) Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis through Overexpression of ATRKD4 Genes in Phalaenopsis “Sogo Vivien” Abstract   PDF
Exsyupransia Mursyanti, Aziz Purwantoro, Sukarti Moeljopawiro, Endang Semiarti
Vol 28, No 1 (2023) Inhibition of protease activity and anti‐quorum sensing of the potential fraction of ethanolic extract from Sansevieria trifasciata Prain leaves against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Abstract   PDF
Whika Febria Dewatisari, Laurentius Hartanto Nugroho, Endah Retnaningrum, Yekti Asih Purwestri
Vol 19, No 1 (2014) Inter- and intraspecific variation of chloroplast mini- and microsatellites DNA in the four closed related Acacia species Abstract   PDF
AYPBC Widyatmoko, Susumu Shiraishi
Vol 26, No 1 (2021) Introducing a two‐dimensional graph of docking score difference vs. similarity of ligand‐receptor interactions Abstract   PDF
Mohammad Rizki Fadhil Pratama, Hadi Poerwono, Siswandono Siswodihardjo
Vol 24, No 1 (2019) Inverse correlation of kidney interstitial cells expansion with hemoglobin level and erythropoietin expression in single and repeated kidney ischemic/reperfusion injury in mice Abstract   PDF
Dian Prasetyo Wibisono, Nur Arfian, Muhammad Mansyur Romi, Wiwit Ananda Wahyu Setyaningsih, Dwi Cahyani Ratna Sari
Vol 14, No 2 (2009) Isolation and Analysis of DNA Fragment of Genes Related to Kopyor Trait in Coconut Plant Abstract   PDF
S. Sukendah, Hugo Volkaert, S. Sudarsono
Vol 20, No 2 (2015) Isolation and caracterization of ficin enzyme from Ficus septica Burm F stem latex Abstract   PDF
Sri Wahyuni, R. Susanti, Retno Sri Iswari
Vol 26, No 4 (2021) Isolation and characterization of α ‐amylase encoding gene in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PAS Abstract   PDF
Achmad Rodiansyah, Sitoresmi Prabaningtyas, Mastika Marisahani Ulfah, Ainul Fitria Mahmuda, Uun Rohmawati
Vol 26, No 4 (2021) Isolation and identification of protease‐producing bacteria from sludge and sediment soil around Adama, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Yeshaneh Adimasu Lemenh, Teshome Geremew Biru, Adinew Zewdu Chernet, Feleke Belachew Lema
Vol 17, No 1 (2012) Isolation and Purifi cation of Chitinase Bacillus sp. D2 Isolated from Potato Rhizosfer Abstract   PDF
Sebastian Margino, Chatarina Behar, Widya Asmara
Vol 14, No 1 (2009) Isolation and Screening of Antimicrobial Producing-Actinomycetes Symbionts in Nudibranch Abstract   PDF
R. Riyanti, Jaka Widada, Ocky Karna Rajasa
201 - 225 of 354 Items << < 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 > >>