Peace Unwanted? – The Frozen Conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh Revisited

Pia Ferner(1*)

(1) International Development, Wageningen University
(*) Corresponding Author


More than twenty years after the ceasefire agreement has been signed between Armenia and Azerbaijan, little has been reached in resolving the dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh. This paper aims to provide insight into political dimensions of the conflict combining a geopolitical perspective with a perspective of local dynamics on the ground. Analyzing contributing factors to the lack of progress in the durable settlement of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh provides an outlook on possibilities for a peaceful settlement of the dispute, which is of high relevance from a humanitarian perspective. The current positions of international actors contributing to the stalemate, as well as a lack of influential involvement of the civil society in the region provide little reason to believe significant change for a peaceful settlement of the conflict will be made in the near future. Increased transparency and improved communication are needed to provide opportunities for a peaceful change.This paper is primarily based on desk research, with additional insights gained from a research stay, and was issued as a contribution to Indonesian Humanitarian Action Forum. It is seen as an opportunity to shed light on an often forgotten conflict which poses strong humanitarian concerns due to a large number of IDPs (Internally Displaced Person) and continued landmine contamination hindering development.


Frozen conflict; stalemate; conflict resolution; South Caucasus

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