Agroindustrial Journal

“Agroindustrial Journal” is a scientific journal published by Department of Agro-industrial Technology UGM in collaboration with Perkumpulan Profesi Teknologi Agroindustri (APTA). “Agroindustrial Journal” publishes research in agroindustrial systems engineering, technology and management. The subject matter in “Agroindustrial Journal” reflects the specific range and interdisciplinary nature of research in agroindustrial technology.

The journal publishes original research paper and review paper two times a year in June and December based on topics coverage but not limited to: 1) Industrial systems and management; 2) Bio-industry; 3) Production systems; 4) Quality analysis and standardization; 5) Systems analysis and industrial simulation; 6) Product engineering and waste management. The target readers of Agroindustrial Journal are, but not limited to, Researcher, Lecuturer, Student, and Instructor. 


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Vol 10, No 2 (2023)

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Table of Contents


Silvi Permata Sari, Muhamad Mustopa Romdhon, Satria Putra Utama
10.22146/aij.v10i2.90178 Abstract views : 490 | views : 306
Muhammad Rizky Romadhon, Mujiyo Mujiyo, Suntoro Suntoro, Widyatmani Sih Dewi, Jauhari Syamsiyah, Rahayu Rahayu, Hery Widijanto, Ganjar Herdiansyah, Aktavia Herawati, Akas Anggita, Khalyfah Hasanah, Tiara Hardian, Nanda Mei Istiqomah, Viviana Irmawati
10.22146/aij.v10i2.90130 Abstract views : 511 | views : 822
Norbertus Citra Irawan, Zandra Dwanita Widodo, Kurniawati Darmaningrum, Rahmat Catur Haryadi, Faustina Yuniastuti, Alifah Addin Rakasiwi
10.22146/aij.v10i2.90221 Abstract views : 582 | views : 519
Antika Tafrijiyah, Bayu Widiyanto, Nia Elfiana
10.22146/aij.v10i1.89373 Abstract views : 492 | views : 266
Roisu Eny Mudawaroch, Setiyono Setiyono, Lies Mira Yusiati, Edi Suryanto
10.22146/aij.v10i2.89982 Abstract views : 632 | views : 299