Journal Policy

  1. The manuscript submission process is done through the Open Journal System (OJS) via
  2. The submitted manuscripts shall meet the following criteria:
    1. The submitted manuscript has never been published in any publication institution and is not in the process of publication in any publication institution;
    2. The submitted manuscript is not the result of plagiarism;
    3. Plagiarism check using Turnitin plagiarism detection application. The accepted plagiarism limit is a maximum of 30%; and
    4. Authors must write citations when quoting from other journals.
  3. The editor has the right to sort and edit the submitted manuscripts. There will be a notification regarding the publication or rejection of the manuscript to the author. Priority of publication is based on substance assessment and punctuality in submitting the article. Unpublished manuscripts will not be returned to the author.
  4. The manuscripts that have entered the review process can not be withdrawn.
  5. Authors have the right to publish their manuscripts in other publication institutions if the results of the review process state that the submitted manuscript cannot be published.
  6. Authors who withdraw their manuscripts during or after the review process will be blacklisted.
  7. Authors who do not submit a revised manuscript during the specified time period and are then given the opportunity but still do not submit a revised manuscript, the Editorial Board has the right to cancel acceptance of the article or publish the article.
  8. Asian Legal Reform Journal accepts articles without charging article processing and publication fees.
  9. In the case that there is a mentor in the process of research or preparation of the manuscript, they shall not be included in the list of authors.
  10. Submitted manuscripts will be processed in a timely order.