The Role of Doctors in Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Indonesian Worker Community

Linda Dewanti(1*)

(1) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga
(*) Corresponding Author


COVID-19, which is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, first entered and infected
Indonesians on March 1, 2020. A woman (31 years old) felt sick two days after
dancing with a Japanese citizen living in Malaysia, who was also recently confirmed
to have COVID-19. The woman's mother (64 years old) was finally infected and
confirmed as a sufferer of COVID-19. Since then, among all contacts from Japanese
citizens (33 people consisting of drivers, guides, restaurant waiters, and other guests
at the dance) and from the first COVID-19 case in Indonesia (80 people), most people
were those who worked directly related to the case tracing 1 . A total of 11 people were
confirmed to have an infection, with 2 of them were asymptomatic cases. Of the 11
people, 10 were contacts of the foreign nationals; and 1 case was the first Indonesian
citizen's mother.

The next COVID-19 cluster description in the community is very similar to the first
cluster, namely work-related contacts and family contacts. New clusters continue to
emerge from various industries and offices that dominate the number of new cases in

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