Produksi Asam Lemak dari Dedak Melalui Proses Hidrolisis Enzimatis Secara In Situ

Indah Hartati(1*), Fahmi Arifan(2), Mohammad Endy Yulianto(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia berpotensi sebagai penghasil asam lemak dari dedak padi yang jumlahnya melimpah. Dedak padi mengandung enzim lipase yang dapat mengkatalisis proses hidrolisis trigliserida pada dedak padi menjadi asam lemak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji proses hidrolisis trigliserida pada dedak padi dengan mengaktifkan enzim lipase. Studi produktivitas dilakukan dengan mengkaji pengaruh penambahan buffer phosphat terhadap pembentukan asam lemak. Studi produktivitas dilakukan dengan membandingkan perolehan asam lemak dengan atau tanpa penggunaan buffer pada proses hidrolisis. Parameter yang diteliti meliputi: volume buffer (0–25% terhadap volume air), rasio dedak-air (1:1–1:6 b/v), dan suhu reaksi (30–50°C). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ion-ion pada larutan buffer mampu meningkatkan aktivitas dan stabilitas lipase. Penambahan buffer mampu meningkatkan perolehan asam lemak hingga 48%. Sementara perolehan asam lemak tertinggi dicapai pada hidrolisis dengan kondisi operasi volume buffer 5%, suhu reaksi 50°C dan rasio air dedak 1:5, dengan bilangan asamnya 2,63 mgek NaOH/g dedak

Kata Kunci: asam lemak, dedak padi, lipase, hidrolisis, enzimatis

Indonesia has potential to produce fatty acid from rice bran which is abundantly available as a side product of rice field activities. Rice bran contains lipase enzyme which is a catalyst for hydrolysis of triglycerides largely found in rice bran. The present work aimed to investigate the hydrolysis process of triglyceride from rice bran by activated lipase enzyme. Effect of the presence of phosphate compounds as buffer on fatty acid production was studied. The amount of fatty acid produced during hydrolysis with the use of buffer was compared to that without buffer. The parameters studied in the present work were volume of buffer (0% to 25% of water volume), rice bran-water ratio (1:1 to 1:6 w/v) and reaction temperature (30°C – 50°C). Experimental results showed that ions in the buffer solution could increase the activity and stability of lipase enzyme. The addition of buffer was found to increase fatty acid yield up to 48%. The highest fatty acid results ware obtained at the operation condition at which buffer volume of 5%, reaction temperature of 50°C and rice bran-water ratio of 1:5 where the acid number was 2.63 mgek NaOH/g rice bran.

Keywords: fatty acid, rice bran, lipase, hydrolysis, enzymatic

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