Journal History

Jurnal Psikologi (jpsi) was born under the initiative of the late Prof. Dr. Masrun, M.A., and Prof. Dr. Sutrisno Hadi, M.A. , both of whom are lecturers from the Faculty of Psychology. Initially, the idea to accommodate scientific research articles in Jurnal Psikologi was initiated by the discovery of a large amount of unpublished scientific articles by lecturers from the faculty of psychology.

The publication of the first issue in 1970 marked the milestone for Jurnal Psikologi (jpsi). The initial editorial team consisted of the late Prof. Dr. Masrun, M.A. (chairman), The late Drs. Hasan Basri (secretary), The late Prof. Drs. Sutrisno Hadi, M.A., The late Prof. Drs. Radio Putra, The late Drs. Soemadi Suryabrata, The late Prof. Dr. Siti Meichati, M.A., The late Prof. Dr. Siti Rahayu Haditono, The late Prof. Dr. Sri Mulyani Martaniah, M.A., The late Prof. Dr. Sri rahayu Partosuwido, Dr. Marcham Darokah, M.A, and Prof. Dr. Bimo Walgito. Meanwhile, the editorial team regularly changes to accommodate the increasing demands of the publication.

At the time, most of the manuscripts were written by Psychology lecturers to disseminate research and community service programs. Since then, it has grown to publish scientific articles by alumni, authors from other universities, and other professionals in the field of psychology tri-annually a year (i.e., April, August, & December). The current chairman of Jurnal Psikologi is Prof. Subandi, M.A., Ph.D., with a team that consists of  Prof. Dr. Thomas Dicky Hastjarjo., Dr. Diana Setiawati, M.Hsc., Psy., Psikolog., Adelia Khrisna Putri, S.Psi., M.Sc., Prof.Augustinus Supratiknya, Ph.D., Dr. Mirra Noor Milla, M.S. ., Prof. Byron J Good, Ph.D. BD., Prof. Rozainee Khairudin, Ph.D., Dian Nasrah Marissa, M.A., Ph.D., Prof. Theo Bouman, Ph.D., Prof. Harry Minas, Ph.D., Prof. Evelin Witruk, Ph.D., Erminia Colucci, Ph.D., Hans Pols, Ph.D., and Prof. Rolf Steyer, Ph.D., Andrian Liem, Ph.D, Prof. Byron J. Good, and Prof. Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good.

Editorial Board Members have been working with the faculty of psychology from 2007 until now, including research development, community research, and publication. By the decision of Ministry of Higher Education, Jurnal Psikologi has been registered with ISSN 2460-867X (online) and 0215-8884 (print). Additionally, it has also been accredited with Sinta 2. In 2011, the journal was nationally accredited with decree No. 66b/DIKTI/Kep./2011 (valid from 2011 to 2016).  and No.2/E/KPT 2015

Starting from the first issue of 2021, Jurnal Psikologi changes its previous two-columned layout (which had been done since the journal was first published in 1970) to a one-columned layout. This change is done in the hope that our published papers would be more reader-friendly. It also adheres to the current trend of scientific publication. As for the content, Jurnal Psikologi aspires to deliver the latest developments within psychological science not only to Indonesian scientific community but also to the global community.

Starting from May 2024, Jurnal Psikologi has made changes to its focus & scope. These changes aim to ensure that Jurnal Psikologi has a specific, clear, firm focus & scope that distinguishes it from other journals in the field of psychology. Jurnal Psikologi continually strives to improve the quality of the articles it publishes, making a tangible contribution to the development of psychological science.

Jurnal Psikologi started using LaTeX for its layouting since Vol. 48 No. 2 (2021). This move was done to improve the publication quality of the journal.

Starting July 2024, the Jurnal Psikologi will have a new subtitle, namely "Indonesian Journal of Psychology" adding a subtitle to make it more specific and unique. The name "Jurnal Psikologi" was considered too general, so around 30 journals with similar names were found in metadata and search engines. Apart from that, the addition of this subtitle is in line with the aim and scope of the new journal.