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Journal of Mechanical Design and Testing

Journal of Mechanical Design and Testing (JMDT) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal aimed to disseminate the results of research in the field of mechanical engineering. The journal is biannually published an original research articles and / or review articles that concern to the following issues:

  • Design of mechanical components used in engineering structures, machines and engines, computer aided design (CAD), computer aided manufacturing (CAM), the development of methodology for designing machine elements or mechanical components.
  • Finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, computational heat and mass transfer, applied mechanics, biomechanics.
  • Manufacturing technologies, materials processing technologies, conventional and non-conventional machining, powder metallurgy, casting, welding, additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping, automation.
  • Evaluation of engine performance, tribology and lubrication, engine maintenance, testing of mechanical components, materials characterizations, failure analysis.
  • Experimental fluid dynamics, multiphase flow, heat and mass transfer, pump and compressor.
  • Energy conversion, turbo machineries, internal combustion engines, power plant.
  • Mechanical engineering education, learning method for mechanical engineering education, engineering ethics.

We cordially invite authors to submit their manuscript in English or Bahasa Indonesia. JMDT is jointly published by Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Centre for Innovation of Medical Equipment and Devices (CIMEDs), Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Articles

Table of Contents


Burhanudin Fathoni, Muhammad Agung Bramantya
10.22146/jmdt.66148 Abstract views : 5585 | views : 7834
Luqman Al Huda, Haslinda Kusumaningsih, Deendarlianto Deendarlianto, Indarto Indarto
10.22146/jmdt.73376 Abstract views : 957 | views : 2298
Ryan Antonio, Dwiartha Pambudi Alif Sutrisno, Farid Triawan
10.22146/jmdt.74251 Abstract views : 391 | views : 164
Sucipto Sucipto, I Made Miasa, Adhika Widyaparaga, Hendro Prakarso
10.22146/jmdt.73688 Abstract views : 363 | views : 274
Khoiri Rozi, Berkah Fajar Tamtomo Kiono, Ismoyo Haryanto, Adam Rahmansyah
10.22146/jmdt.74371 Abstract views : 363 | views : 124
Sugeng Slamet, Budi Santoso, Qomaruddin Qomaruddin
10.22146/jmdt.74965 Abstract views : 452 | views : 369