Pengetahuan dan Minat Penggunaan Menstrual Cup pada Mahasiswi Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga

Chalysta Putri Shelby(1*), Nunik Puspitasari(2)

(1) Universitas Airlangga
(2) Universitas Airlangga
(*) Corresponding Author


Background: Menstrual cup is the alternative menstrual products used by women. However, menstrual cup is still taboo in Indonesia because women have concerns about using them.

Objective: The study aimed to describe and to see the relationship between knowledge about menstrual cup and interest of using among students of Public Health Universitas Airlangga.

Method: The study used analytic observational with students of Public Health year 2018 Universitas Airlangga as the population. The study used simple random sampling with a total of 65 samples.

Results and Discussion: A total of 55.4% respondents had good knowledge about menstrual cup and 72,3% were not interested in using menstrual cup. The Chi-Square test showed that p-value 0.301 > 0.05.

Conclusion: Knowledge about menstrual cup were good but interest in using menstrual cup was low. There was no relationship between knowledge and interest of using menstrual cup.


Keywords: interest of using; knowledge; menstrual cup


menstrual cup; minat penggunaan; pengetahuan

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