Tingkat Kepuasan Seksual pada Paeisn Plasenta Akreta Pasca Histerektomi


Ummu Nabilah Matondang(1*), Muhammad Rizki Yaznil(2)

(1) Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sumatera Utara
(2) Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sumatera Utara
(*) Corresponding Author


Background: Placenta accreta is often used as a general term but is defined by the levels of invasion of chorionic villi into maternal myometrium. Once a rare diagnosis, it is now the leading cause of postpartum hemorrhage and indication for a gravid hysterectomy. Although many advantages of hysterectomy have been known, it is still unknown how it affects the vaginal length and sexual functioning. Studies that discuss specifically about the relationship of sexual satisfaction index of placenta accrete patients after hysterectomy or conservative have not been found.

Objective: To determine the sexual satisfaction index of patients with placenta accreta after hysterectomy.

Method: This study is an observational study with analytical approach, with cross sectional design. The sample is placenta accreta patients in RSUP HAM Medan which fulfill the inlusion and exclusion criteria and taken by total sampling. The data is primary and secondary which taken from RSUP HAM Medan medical report and through interviews by mobile device due the COVID-19 Pandemic, using FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index) questionnaire that has been validated into Indonesian.

Results and Discussion: From 92 placenta accreta patients, the most placenta accreta age is <35 years old (65.2%), the most chosen treatment is hysterectomy (71.7%). From 24 patients the highest PAI total score is >5 (62.5%). Placenta accreta sexual satisfaction with hysterectomy as treatment has FSFI total score ≥ 26.55 (15.0%) and < 26.55 (85%). Placenta accreta sexual satisfaction without hysterectomy as therapy (conservative) has FSFI total score FSFI ≥ 26.55 (0%) and 26.55 (100%). On Fisher Exact Test the p value = 1,000 (p <0.05).

Conclusion: There is no difference between placenta accreta sexual satisfaction with or without hysterectomy (conservative).


Placenta Accrete, Hysterectomy, Conservative, FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index) Indonesian Questionnaire.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jkr.64055

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