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GGE Biplot Analysis of Multi-Environment Yield Trials in Soybean Promising Lines

Ayda Krisnawati(1*), M. Muchlish Adie(2)

(1) Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute, Malang
(2) Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute, Malang
(*) Corresponding Author


Soybean in Indonesia is grown in diverse agro-ecological environments. The performance of soybean yield often varies due to significant genotype × environment interaction (GEI), therefore the yield stability of performance is an important consideration in the breeding program. The aim of the research was to exploring the GEI pattern and yield stability of soybean promising lines in the tropics using GGE (Genotype and Genotype by Environment Interaction) biplot method. A total of 16 soybean promising lines were evaluated in ten environments during 2016 growing season. The experiment was arranged in a randomized completely block design with four replicates. The analysis of variance revealed that environments (E) explained the highest percentage of variation (51.45%), meanwhile the genotypes (G) and genotype × environment interactions (GEI) contributed for 3.24%, and 14.59% of the total variation, respectively. Seed yield of 16 soybean promising lines ranged from 2.41 to 2.83 t.ha-1 with an average of 2.74 t.ha-1. Joint effects of genotype and interaction (G+GE) which was partitioned using GGE biplot analysis showed that the first two components were significant, explaining 60.88% (37.89% PC1 and 22.98% PC2) of the GGE sum of squares. Indonesia can be divided into at least four putative mega environments for soybean production. The GGE biplot identified G10 as high yielding and stable promising line, thus recommended to be developed in multi-environment in tropical regions of Indonesia.


Biplot; High Yield; Soybean; Stable

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