Barrier and facilitators in implementing household waste management program in West Kotawaringin

  • Muhammad Chamim Thohari Kurniawan Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keywords: household waste management, evaluation, local government, environmental health, program implementation


Background: West Kotawaringin local government has issued a household waste management rule since 2019. However, people still practice throwing garbage in inappropriate places, such as on sidewalks and rivers.

Objectives. We evaluate the program at South Arut District to explore barriers and facilitators in the household waste management program.

Method: This qualitative case-explanatory study used a thematic analysis approach. Thirteen respondents were environmental service chair, the health office, the sub-district of South Arut, the cleaning staff (2 people), the Yayorin manager (NGO), restaurant owners, farmers, fishers, Aisyiyah, Bawi Dayak, Culture and Tourism Association, student, head of RT 15, and household members with at least three years residence in Pangkalan Bun.

Result: The parties involved in forming regulations are the Environment Service, Public Works Service, South Arut Sub-district, kelurahan, and village heads. The budget is 21 billion rupiahs. Program coordinators in each unit are still not optimal in the process of managing activities that can produce marketable outputs. The strategies carried out are socialization, distributing pamphlets, and broadcasting broadcasts on regional television channels. The inhibiting factor is the perception of people who do not care about the environment and lack infrastructure. The driving factor is self-awareness from people who care about environmental cleanliness.

Conclusion: Local governments need to consider having an executive manager and operational management team in each unit, who can add the necessary infrastructure and closely monitor implementation, which will maximize the production process with marketable products. Also, the management team must also promote more massively about the utilization of the waste management system to the community.

How to Cite
Thohari Kurniawan, M. C. (2021). Barrier and facilitators in implementing household waste management program in West Kotawaringin. BKM Public Health and Community Medicine, 38(01). Retrieved from
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