Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat (BKM Public Health and Community Medicine) [ISSN 0215-1936 (Print) and ISSN 2614-8412 (Online)] is a scientific journal in the field of Public Health, published by the Master Program in Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK) Gadjah Mada University in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Community Medicine and Public Health (PDK3MI), Minister of Information of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1143 / SK / Ditjen.PPG / STT / 1987 and the Indonesian Society of Public Health Experts (IAKMI).

Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat (BKM Public Health and Community Medicine) is a scientific journal that contains research articles published four months since it was published in 1985, then since 2016 (Volume 32) BKM is published every month / 12 times a year.

BKM is recognized as an accredited national scientific journal based on the Decree of the General Director of Research and Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number: 21 / E / KPT / 2018 dated July 9, 2018 (Sinta 3).

Articles published in this journal have gone through a blind review process by two of the reviewer. The reviewer then makes a decision based on a recommendation with several possibilities: rejected, major revision, minor revision, or accepted.