Tinjauan literatur argumentatif tentang kepemilikan data arsip digital non-fungible token (NFT) pada teknologi blockchain

  • Achmad Fachmi Universitas Indonesia
  • Nina Mayesti Departemen Ilmu Perpustakaan, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: digital records, data ownership, non-fungible token, records authentication, blockchain


Introduction. NFT scheme is used to certify the authenticity of digital records. It is also to provide a code for the original (genuine) data recorded on the blockchain. NFT creates a single data that cannot be duplicated in digital records. The misuse of NFT authentication to illegally certify other people's data have become a problem.

Data Collection Methods. This study used an argumentative literature review with a qualitative approach. It used literature data sources from various fields related to the basic concepts of archival science as a basic analysis.

Data Analysis. The analysis process consisted of several stages, namely reading the reviewed literature, summarising, analysing, and synthesising them critically and deeply.

Results and Discussion. The concept of development related to data ownership issues can be formulated by collaborating with user communities, developers, and digital service designers (ecosystems). As a preventive measure, understanding the logistical consequences of data security threats was very helpful. This included authenticity, integrity, confidentiality, and authorisation, they served as important points to reduce risk.

Conclusion. The NFT concept continues to develop dynamically.  A more in-depth study and the involvement of archival science are necessary, thus, NFT scheme can build trust in digital records regarding the issue of data ownership.


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How to Cite
Fachmi, A., & Mayesti, N. (2022). Tinjauan literatur argumentatif tentang kepemilikan data arsip digital non-fungible token (NFT) pada teknologi blockchain. Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan Dan Informasi, 18(1), 144-158. https://doi.org/10.22146/bip.v18i1.3989