
Singarimbun Masri(1*)

(1) Gadjah Mada University
(*) Corresponding Author


This article delineates various indices: (a)The Physical Quality of Life Index(PQli) and the Subjective Composite Index used by the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics for making comparisons with the 27 provinces of Indonesia; (b) a revised version of PQLI by adding fertility as a new component developed by Sajogyo and Abustam; (c) the Non-Physical Quality Index, used by the office of the Minister of Population and Environment, and (d) the Human Development Index (HDI), contained in the UNDP: Human Development Report, 1991 and 1992


indeks pembangunan manusia, pembangunan, populasi

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jp.10806

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