Dikotomi Eksistensi Telemedicine Bagi Masyarakat Terpencil : Perspektif Teori Kemanfaatan


Handina Sulastrina Bakhtiar(1*)

(1) Gadjah Mada University
(*) Corresponding Author


The need for equitable health services for all people is the reason for maximizing health services. The development of technology has also had a major influence on the health sector. Telemedicine services are a necessity for equity and efforts to maximize health services for remote communities but are constrained due to the absence of clear regulations regarding telemedicine services. For this reason, this paper will examine the concept of telemedicine services as basic health services for remote communities. This paper is written in the form of a normative study with a conceptual approach and laws and regulations. The results of the study state that Telemedicine is the use of technology and information in the implementation of health services that provide convenience and benefits to the community, especially in remote areas so that people still get basic service rights in the health sector. The implementation of telemedicine services in Indonesia itself has the concept that these services may only be carried out between health service facilities and other health service facilities. Even though the availability of health service facilities in remote areas is very limited, so that the conceptualization of telemedicine services can be expanded not only between health service facilities. However, it can also be carried out by doctors to patients for reasons of benefit to the community, especially in remote areas that have limited health service facilities.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jpmmpi.v3i2.79461

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