Pengaruh Media Baru Terhadap Standpoint Santri (Studi Pada Santri Mukim dan Santri Kalong Di Pesantren Al-Ikhsan Beji)

Ashlikhatul Fuaddah(1*), Agung Kurniawan(2)

(1) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to change the behavior of students due to the impact caused by their intensity in operating new media. This type of research uses qualitative research using action research methods. The data collection techniques used in this study were observation, forum group discussions, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research that has been carried out show that there is a change in the mindset of students in relation to accessing new media, especially social media. This change occurred with the conduct of stage one and two discussion group forums which contained flashbacks about their early lives in pesantren, the purpose of entering pesantren, and how they struggled in the process of adaptation in pesantren. In addition, this change must also be supported by changes in the pattern of teaching and learning activities that are more enjoyable through various applicable and modern teaching methods that involve the participation of students so that students are not bored and forget the desire to access social media. This must also be supported by other activities in the form of visits and collaborations with other islamic boarding schools, with the intention of providing an overview and understanding to students the importance of focusing on learning and adding social networks between fellow students.

Keywords : Influence, New Media, Student, Muslim School


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