Program Kampus Mengajar: Upaya Pemerataan Pendidikan di Wilayah 3T pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Imroatus Sholehah(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


This research discusses the Teaching Campus program as an effort to equalize education in the 3T region during the Covid-19 pandemic, a policy issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Equalization and improvement of the quality of education is a citizen's right that must be fulfilled by the government included in the TPB / SDGs. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods with the author as the main instrument. The research was conducted to detail how the Merdeka Kemdikbud Campus program, namely the Teaching Campus, played a role in the TPB / SDGs during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data collection is carried out by documentation techniques in the form of writing obtained from digital media, official government websites, and reports of participants of the Teaching Campus program. Data analysis is carried out with three procedures, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The problem of 3T education is internet access and device ownership, so student involvement does not have a major influence on education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Students are able to bring about changes in terms of social, but in terms of education needs to be questioned further. Based on observations, it was concluded that the Teaching Campus has not been effective as an effort to equalize education in the 3T region, so it is necessary to evaluate and review the effectiveness of this program because there is no data that shows the improvement of the quality of education in the 3T region after the implementation of the Teaching Campus program.


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