Pengelompokan Provinsi di Indonesia Berdasarkan Indikator Keluarga Sehat Menggunakan Metode Klaster Hirarki dan Non Hirarki

Ika Nur Laily Fitriana(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Health development is an essential and fundamental issue that must be carried out by the Indonesian state immediately. The purpose of this study is to cluster provinces in Indonesia based on indicators of healthy families. The cluster was carried out to determine which provinces had low health quality so that access to more adequate health facilities was needed. A hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster method was compared in this study, then the best method was used to cluster the province in Indonesia. The selection of the best method is based on icdrate value and pseudo-f statistics. The cluster of provinces in Indonesia based on Healthy Family Indicators with hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analysis resulted in 4 clusters. The best method between hierarchical and non-hierarchical clusters is the k-means method with 4 clusters resulting in a Pseudo-F statistics value of 13.57 and an icdrate of 0.42. The goodness of cluster results (R2) is 58%. Each cluster has its characteristics. The first cluster, consisting of DKI Jakarta Province, is the highest Family Health Index cluster. In contrast, the fourth cluster is the cluster that has the lowest Family Health Index. The fourth cluster members are Papua and West Papua provinces. The second cluster is included in the category that has a moderate/sufficient Family Health Index. The third cluster is in a low category. There are gaps or differences in health development in the territory of Indonesia.


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