The Drowning State: Future of Indonesia’s Archipelagic Baselines in the Face of Climate Change-Induced Sea Level Rise

Tiffany Linda Rosemarry(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


As mankind’s ultimate consequence of anthropogenic era, climate change has inevitably altered every aspect of mankind structure. One of which that has devastatingly altered the regime of law of the sea comes from the sea level rise with a rate unprecedented throughout all history. Confronted with such issue, this paper will address the response of Republic of Indonesia, as the historically prominent largest archipelagic state in the world which affect their maritime boundaries through shifting archipelagic baselines. This paper intends to explain the challenges faced and any solutions that has been taken by Indonesia and several possible recommendations in handling sea level rise crisis. The paper will approach the issue through normative understanding.


Archipelagic State Doctrine, Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, Indonesia, Straight Archipelagic Baselines, UNCLOS 1982

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