Pola Interaksi Bakteri Endofitik +GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) dalam Jaringan Tanaman Padi (oryza sativa l.)


Sufianto Sufianto(1*)

(1) Departemen Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan Universitas Muhammadyah Malang
(*) Corresponding Author


This study was intended to examine the pattern of interaction and mutant distribution of endophytic
bacteria as a result of the transformation of the gfp gene in rice plant tissue in vitro. This study used 5
isolates of rice endophytic gfp mutants namely IM-1, IM-3, IM-8, IM-24, IM-25. The study was
conducted in two stages, stage I using a simple Complete Complete Design (RAL) and stage II using
factorial Complete Randomized Design (RAL) with a factor of 1: the type of plant tissue and factor 2:
the type of mutant isolates.The results of the study of patterns of bacterial interactions in rice tissue
culture showed that the percentage of infections of 5 gfp mutant endophytic bacteria isolates ranged
from 4% -17%. The highest percentage was in mutant isolates IM-3 + gfp (17%) and the lowest was in
mutants IM-8 + gfp (4%). The interaction pattern was not significantly different from the parameters
of seed germination time. On the other hand, in observing the distribution of bacteria that infect rice
tissue, they showed different pattern. Mutant IM-1 + gfp infection is higher in stem tissue, whereas
IM-24 + gfp mutant infection is higher in root tissue and IM-25 + gfp mutant infection is higher in
leaf tissue. Mutant infection of IM-25 + gfp in leaves had the highest number of colonies reaching
1.64 x 109 cfu/ml.


Mutants, endophytic bacteria, rice, interactions

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jntt.44954

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