"Diaspora Indonesia dan Gamelan Jawa di Inggris: Dampak Relokasi Tradisi terhadap Pembentukan Identitas dan Komunitas"


Leilani Hermiasih(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


This study has examined the various realms of diasporic gamelan musical communities
in Britain. While being displaced from their homeland, these members of the Indonesian
community reinforce their national identity through gamelan music making activities in the
realm of a community of practice. These practices involve a constant interplay between
their participation in learning the music and reifi cation in performing it for other members
of the diaspora, as well as the British public. Within both realms of practice, as agents
of their own identity and community formation, these migrants practice authentication
through the establishment of claims on tradition and modernity—as this phenomenon
is a part of the greater phenomena of deterritorialization, cultural displacement, and


Javanese Gamelan; Cultural Displacement; Community of Practice; Diasporic Identity; Globalization


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/art.11637

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