Journal History

Journal Kajian Seni is established since 2013 by Michael HB Raditya, Galih Suryadmaja, and M. Nur Salim. This journal is stimulated because of the lack of quantitative arts journals in Indonesia. It means the condition of Indonesian art literature should be more solid and inclusive. They talked with Dr. G.R. Lono Lastoro Simatupang as Head of Program Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies, Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Regarding the constellation, the head of the program agreed to make the new journal under the program namely Jurnal Kajian Seni (JKS). JKS got ISSN 2356-296X and E-ISSN 2356-3001 eventually published for the first time in 2014, starting with volume 1 number 1 in November and continuing with Volume 1 number 2 in April 2015 with Michael HB Raditya as first Editor-in Chief. 

Since 2014, Jurnal Kajian Seni evaluated double blinde-review every article in semi-online submission. At this time JKS would only accept articles with a maximum plagiarism percentage of 35%. Those articles submitted to JKS has be double-blind-reviewed by two reviewers who have a specific background relevant to the articles received. Since the increase in article accessibility obtained by JKS began from November 2014 to April 2015, JKS has symbolically established that it will consistently publish twice a year; issue number 1 in November and concluding in April with issue number 2. The number of volumes will continue to increase while the number will remain between 1 and 2 because JKS only publishes regularly twice a year for example; in April (for Vol. 9, No. 2) and November (for Vol. 10, No. 1). The journal development process with The Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies, Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada, has been a lengthy one. Those processes paid off after receiving the Sinta 4 in 2018 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Since that, JKS has received enthusiastic responses from various academics and art practitioners. The massive number of submitted articles has left a positive impression on the future of arts studies, establishing the Jurnal Kajian Seni as a trusted gateway for performing arts and visual arts researchers. At the end of 2019, JKS has indexed by Sinta, Garuda, Google Scholar, DOAJ, WorldCat, and Laiden University Library.

Following the journal accreditation system regulation from the Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI) In 2020, Jurnal Kajian Seni initiated the process of transitioning the publishing flow to an online platform. In 2022, Dr. M. Bayu Tejo Sampurno became Editor-in-Chief of the Jurnal Kajian Seni. At this year the JKS increased the number of additional reviewers for to review more articles from different perspectives of arts. Starting from Volume 9 (1) JKS changed of reference style from Chicago to APA 7th style. JKS adds indexed; Copernicus, OneSearch, Crossref, Dimensions, and Leiden Library University, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Scilit, EBSCO Essentials, and ASCI. In the same year, the review form for the Jurnal Kajian Seni was also fully online and implemented starting from Volume 9 (1), so that all flow from submitting and reviewing, to publishing, useful features from Open Journal System (OJS).

Starting in 2023, there are changes in the editorial-peer review flow of Jurnal Kajian Seni. Previously, there were two reviewers, starting from Volume 9 Number 2, each article is now examined by only one reviewer. If the article is unclear in certain aspects and the author fails to make the revisions agreed upon by the editor and previous reviewers, the editor may add additional reviewers as necessary until a scientific agreement is reached. Prior to accepting manuscripts, JKS ensured that they are below the maximum plagiarism limit of 35%, after discussing the issue of plagiarism beforehand, and also considering how high the number of articles submitted, the Editor-in-Chief taken a new policy. Starting from Volume 9 Number 2 of 2023, JKS will only consider articles with a maximum plagiarism limit of 25%. In the same year following the release of Vol. 9 No. 2, JKS replaced its Editor-in-Chief from Dr. M. Bayu Tejo to Dr. GR. Lono L. Simatupang.

In 2024, there'll be few changes to optimize the article layout starting Volume 11 Number 1 at November, with add the link of Jurnal Kajian Seni, ISSN and E-ISSN in every first page of article. Furthermore, we persist in optimization of the article process in the Open Journal System.

Maintains the originality of the article is our priority, for example, due to a violation of publication ethics, we revoke one of the publication of articles in Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016) entitled: "The Function of Puak Poi in the Paisin Ceremony in the Culture of the Chinese Community in Medan City", and eventually publish only 6 articles in Volume 3 Number 1. Through the journey in publishing scientific articles, Jurnal Kajian Seni have been indexed on; Google Scholar, DOAJ, Sinta, Garuda, Worldcat, Oneserach, Copernicus, Dimension, Crossref, Laiden University Library, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Scilit, EBSCO Essentials, and ASCI. We support and are willing to accompany every scientific idea that comes from every mind of academia. We will strive to be a Journal for arts studies that continues to coexist with the times.