Journal History

Ketahanan Nasional  Journal was published for the first time in December 1996 with Vol. 1 No. 1 1996, then the printed version in December 1996. Ketahanan Nasional Journal in 2015 was not published fully online the manuscript was reviewed in hard copy (the article corrected manually). The online journal system has fully published online in 2016, the article is uploaded, reviewed by reviewer, then return to the writer, the writer reviewed, then reviewed by the editor, the writer then revised until the layout process.

-The improvement for better online journal  the Ketahanan  Nasional  Journal layout in December 2016 at the header  was added with (Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional ISSN Print : 0853-9340, ISSN Online : 2527-9688 Online since December  28th 2015 at:

The peer review will be added in accordance with related individuals reviewing the journal on every publishing article. The editor committee will be added to achieve  international editorial with editing Ketahanan Nasional  Journal manuscripts for better qualification articles.

Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional  is accredited by Directorate of Higher Education B, with number: 30 / E / KPT / 2018  from Vol 23 Number 1 2017 to Vol 27 No 1 2021.

The issues since Vol. 23, no Agustus 2, 2017 could be traced based on the genesis of the articles. 

Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional has made improvements Genesis articles starting with the issue of Vol 26 No 2 in 2020