(1) Balai Besar Penelitian Bioteknologi dan Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan, Yogyakarta (*) Corresponding Author
Uji keturunan Araucaria cunninghamii telah dibangun tahun 2008 di Bondowoso Jawa Timur. Sebanyak 80 famili dari enam sumber benih (Fak-fak, Sorong, Serui, Wamena, Manokwari dan Queensland). Uji keturunan dirancang menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap berblok (Randomized Completely Block Design), 4 pohon per plot, 4 ulangan dengan jarak tanam 4 m x 2 m. pada umur 12 bulan perbedaan tinggi dan diameter di antara sumber benih berbeda nyata. Persen tumbuh semua provenans umumnya tinggi (96,7-100%). Perbedaan famili dalam sumber benih sangat berbeda nyata baik untuk tinggi maupun diameter. Heritabilitas pertumbuhan tinggi (h2f = 0,58; h2i = 0,28) dan diameter (h2f = 0,55; h2i = 0,30) termasuk klasifikasi sedang. Korelasi genetik antara tinggi dan diameter cukup kuat (rg = 0,78).
Kata kunci: Araucaria cunninghamii, uji keturunan, pertumbuhan awal, heritabilitas.
Early Evaluation of Provenance and Progeny Trial Combination of Araucaria Cunninghamii Age 12 Months in Bondowoso, East Java
A progeny test of Araucaria cunninghamii seedling seed orchard was established in 2008 in Bondowoso, East Java. The progeny trial comprises of eighty open-pollinated families collected from six seed sources (Fak-fak, Sorong, Serui, Wamena, Manokwari and Queensland). The trial was designed as a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) consisted of 80 seedlots, 4 tree-line plots, 4 replicates with spacing of 4 m x 2 m. At 12 months of age there were significant differences among provenances for tree height and stem diameter. The survival rate of all provenances was high (96.7 -100%). Differences between families within seed source were significant both for height and diameter growth. Estimated heritability for height was moderate (12f= 0.58; h2 = 0.28) and also for diameter (f = 0.55; h21 = 0.30). Genetic correlation between height and diameter was quite strong (rg = 0.78).
progeny test; early growth; heritability; Araucaria cunninghamii