JGISE is a scientific journal which is managed and published by Department of Geodetic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with Indonesian Surveyor Association (ISI - Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia) (see Journal Sponsorship). JGISE accepts papers written in English or Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language), and publishes two issues every year in June and December. The submission process of a manuscript is open throughout the year. All submitted manuscripts will go through the double-blind peer-reviews and editorial review before being granted with acceptance for publication.
JGISE is designed as a medium for dissemination of scientific knowledge and research. It publishes numerous literature reviews and research articles in the geospatial related area of knowledge which includes frontier topics in geospatial science and engineering. Please refer to JGISE's Focus and Scope for details on this journal's topics.
Call for papers would be announced on Announcement page. Please also refer to our Publication Ethics prior to submitting your research to JGISE.
JGISE is designed as a medium for dissemination of scientific knowledge and research. It publishes numerous literature reviews and research articles in the geospatial related area of knowledge which includes frontier topics in geospatial science and engineering. Please refer to JGISE's Focus and Scope for details on this journal's topics.
Call for papers would be announced on Announcement page. Please also refer to our Publication Ethics prior to submitting your research to JGISE.
Vol 7, No 2 (2024): December
Table of Contents
Sahid Sahid, Yanto Putri Nana, Aziz Fahmi, Mardika Indra M Gilang, Asferizal Ferial, Zein Akbar Syukry, Diyaulhaq Wiedad, Yunida Devi
Faisal Ammar Hasyim
Valerien Eugene Tsaramanana
Matias Ronaldo Dimas Surya Laksana, Muhammad Rofid Azzuhdi, Firman Hadi, Shofiyatul Qoyimah
Dicky Satria Kresnawan, Hidayat Panuntun
Rachmanita Isna Salsabella, Erlyna Nour Arrofiqoh
Totok Doyo Pamungkas, Rival Akbar Firdaus, Nurul Aniyyatur Rohmah, Recky Rizki, Asri Ria Affriani
Teguh Sulistian, Herjuno Gularso, Dewi Sekar Arum, Sandi Aditya, Fajar Triady Mugiarto
Imam Mudita
Leni Sophia Heliani, Hendra Noviantara
Putri Rahmadani
Putri Rut Monica Aprinia, Heri Sutanta