Analysis Comparison of Algorithms for Determination Concentration of Chlorophyll-a in Traditional and Intensive Milkfish Ponds Using LANDSAT 8 Images

Nurhadi Bashit(1*), Abdi Sukmono(2), Baskoro Agum Gumelar(3)

(1) Diponegoro University
(2) Diponegoro University
(3) Diponegoro University
(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia is an Archipelago Country because the Country of Indonesia consists of many islands stretching from Sabang in the west to the island of Merauke on the east. The Archipelago Country also comes from the old name of the Indonesian Country called Nusantara, because Nusantara is a country that consists of many islands. Indonesia is an Archipelago Country which means it has potential resources in the coastal areas, one of which is found on the northern coast of Java. The coastal area is an important area to be reviewed, one of which is the use of coastal resources by paying attention to the condition of the ecosystem that remains stable. Opportunities for coastal area utilization in the field of fisheries are in the form of fishing activities or fish farming, especially pond cultivation activities. Based on data from the Department of Marine and Fisheries of the Province of Central Java in 2010, pond cultivation is one of the potential resources on the coast. This potential is supported by the government to increase fish production in order to increase the consumption of fish in the community. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the most effective method of pond cultivation between traditional methods and intensive methods to optimize fish production. One indicator of effectiveness between the two methods can be seen from the phytoplankton distribution. Phytoplankton contains chlorophyll-a in the body and is a natural food from fish. Phytoplankton provides important ecological functions for the aquatic life cycle by serving as the basis of food webs in water. Phytoplankton also functions as the main food item in freshwater fish culture and seawater fish cultivation. Therefore, it is necessary to know the chlorophyll-a concentration in the ponds of traditional and intensive methods to determine the concentration chlorophyll-a of the two pond methods. One method used to determine the concentration of chlorophyll-a using remote sensing technology. Remote sensing technology can be used to determine the concentration of chlorophyll-a using the Wouthuyzen, Wibowo, Pentury, Much Jisin Arief and Lestari Laksmi algorithms. The results showed that the Pentury algorithm was relatively better to determine the concentration of chlorophyll-a in shallow waters (ponds). The lowest concentration of chlorophyll-a in traditional ponds is 0.47068 mg/m3, the highest concentration is 1.95017 mg/m3 and the average concentration is 1.12893 mg/m3, while in intensive ponds the lowest concentration is 0.36713 mg/m3, the concentration the highest is 3.17063 mg/m3 and the average concentration is 1.53556 mg/m3.

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