Application of Probiotic and Fermented Feed in the Nursery of Anguilla bicolor

Agoes Soeprijanto(1), Guntur Guntur(2), Muhammad Fakhri(3*)

(1) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences
(*) Corresponding Author


The main problem in Anguilla bicolor nursery is the low productivity and survival rate (SR) caused by poor water quality and low digestibility of feed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application of probiotic and fermented feed on A. bicolor nursery from stadia elver to fingerling. In this study, one treatment of probiotic and fermented feed and one control without supplementation of probiotic and fermented feed were applied. Probiotic of 5 mL/m3 for every three days and fermented feed with protein of 42% were administered for 4 months. The results showed that survival rate of 93% and specific growth rate of 2.82%/day were obtained in the treatment of probiotic and fermented feed while survival rate of 81% and specific growth rate of 2.76% were produced in control tank. Feed conversion ratio and total production in treatment tank were 1.8 and 18.01 kg, respectively. On the other hand, feed conversion ratio and total production in control tank were 2.3 and 14.68 kg, respectively. It can be concluded that probiotic and fermented feed application were able to improve the productivity of A. bicolor.


Survival rate; fermented feed; probiotic; nursery; feed conversion ratio; Anguilla bicolor

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