SCOPUS Citation Analysis

Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum (JCEF)is cited at least 14 times at Scopus database.
Update February 23, 2018 | First published in 1992

  1. Haryanto, Y., Satyarno, I., & Sulistyo, D. (2012). Strength and ductility of reinforced concrete tbeams strengthened in the negative moment region with wire rope and mortar composite. Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum, 21(1)
    • Eswaramoorthi, P., Prabhu, P. S., & Magudeaswaran, P. (2017). Experimental study of reinforced concrete continuous rectangular and flanged beams at support region. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(7), 706-713.
  2. Parikesit, D., Jayanti, T., & Wijayasari, G. E. (2000). Determination of public transport service factors: Case of jakarta (in indonesian). Civil Engineering Forum Journal, 10, 11-21.
    • Parikesit, D. (2006). Bi-level modelling for linking transport activities with location choice in the urban area. Paper presented at the WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 89 517-530. 10.2495/UT060511
  3. Balany, F. (2011). Different ways of calculating catchment rainfall: Case in indonesia. Civil Engineering Forum, 20, 1175-1182.
    • Kriaučiūnienė, J., Gailiušis, B., Šarauskienė, D., Jakimavičius, D., Jurgelėnaitė, A., Meilutytė-Lukauskienė, D., Irbinskas, V. (2016). Studies of climate change impact on lithuanian water resources. [Klimato kaitos įtakos Lietuvos vandens ištekliams tyrimai] Energetika, 62(3), 87-101. 10.6001/energetika.v62i3.3348
  4. Lee, G. F., & Jones-Lee, A. (1995). Practical environmental ethics: Is there an obligation to tell the whole truth? Civil Engineering Forum, 65, 6.
    • Lee, G. F., & Jones-Lee, A. (2004). Superfund site remediation by landfilling—overview of landfill design, operation, closure, and postclosure issues. Remediation, 14(3), 65-91. 10.1002/rem.20013 
  5. Sudardja, H. (2012). Civil Engineering Forum, 21(1), 1199-1207.
    • Cita Sari, U., Prabandiyani Retno Wardani, S., Suharyanto, & Partono, W. (2017). Influence of pore water pressure to seepage and stability of embankment dam (case study of sermo dam yogyakarta, indonesia). Paper presented at the MATEC Web of Conferences, , 10110.1051/matecconf/201710105007
  6. Suryolelono, K. B. (1993). Civil Engineering Forum
    • Purnomo, J. S., Purwana, Y. M., & Surjandari, N. S. (2017). Analysis of slope slip surface case study landslide road segment purwantoro-Nawangan/Bts jatim km 89+400. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 795(1)10.1088/1742-6596/795/1/012069
  7. Utomo, C., Rahman, N. A., & Idrus, A. (2012). Multi-person decision for sustainable design on lbs floor system selection. Civil Engineering Forum, 21(2)
    • Rahmawati, Y., & Utomo, C. (2015). The influence of knowledge management to integrated design. Paper presented at the 2014 1st International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering: Green Technology and its Applications for a Better Future, ICITACEE 2014 - Proceedings, 193-198. 10.1109/ICITACEE.2014.7065740
    • Rahmawati, Y., Utomo, C., Anwar, N., Negoro, N. P., & Nurcahyo, C. B. (2014). A framework of knowledge management for successful group decision in design process. Paper presented at the ICOS 2014 - 2014 IEEE Conference on Open Systems, 60-65. 10.1109/ICOS.2014.7042410
    • Utomo, C., & Rahmawati, Y. (2015). Knowledge and protocol on collaborative design selection. Paper presented at the 2014 1st International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering: Green Technology and its Applications for a Better Future, ICITACEE 2014 - Proceedings, 199-202. 10.1109/ICITACEE.2014.7065741 
  8. Wancik, A., Satyarno, I., & Tjokrodimuljo, K. (2008). Cement mortar composite styrofoam bricks. Civil Engineering Forum, 18(2), 780-787.
    • Tina, H. S. A., Andreyani, A., & Dwandaru, W. S. B. (2016). The effect of volume variation of silver nanoparticle solution towards the porosity and compressive strength of mortar. Paper presented at the Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering - Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering, 327-332.
  9. Aini, N., Morisco, M., & Anita, A. (2009). Pengaruh pengawetan terhadap kekuatan dan keawetan produk laminasi bambu. Forum Teknik Sipil, 19(1), 979-986.
    • Uslinawaty, Z., Muin, M., Putranto, B., & Suhasman, S. (2017). Properties of laminated bamboo produced with the involvement of supercritical carbon dioxide treatment. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 14(1), 74-78. 10.1007/s13196-017-0190-1
  10. Irsyam, M., & Krisnanto, S. (2008). Full-scale test and analysis of bamboo pile-mattres reinforcement system for road embankment on soft soils in tambak oso surabaya (text in indonesian). Forum Teknik Sipil, 18 
    • Susila, E., & Agrensa, F. (2015). Case study on soft soil improvement using innovative and cost-effective reinforcing techniques. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 47(2), 207-217. 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2015.47.2.10
  11. Nanlohy, J. B., Jayadi, R., & Istiarto. (2008). Studi alternatif pengendalian banjir sungai tondano di kota manado (in indonesian). Forum Teknik Sipil, 18 
    • Kumajas, M. (2014). Multi-response model of flooding in tondano estuary. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics, 8(22), 991-1001. 10.12988/astp.2014.49121
  12. Putra, H., Satyarno, I., & Wijatna, A. B. (2008). Forum Teknik Sipil, , 909.
    • Sriatun, Darmawan, A., & Sriyanti. (2017). Synthesis and characterization of Zeolite/Magnetitte composite from iron sand of marina beach. Advanced Science Letters, 23(7), 6524-6526. 10.1166/asl.2017.9672
  13. Setyawati, S., Morisco, M., & Prayitno, T. A. (2009). Pengaruh esktrak tembakau terhadap sifat dan perilaku mekanik laminasi bambu petung. Forum Teknik Sipil, 19(1), 1021-1029.
    • Uslinawaty, Z., Muin, M., Putranto, B., & Suhasman, S. (2017). Properties of laminated bamboo produced with the involvement of supercritical carbon dioxide treatment. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 14(1), 74-78. 10.1007/s13196-017-0190-1
  14. Suswandi, A., Sartono, W., & Christady, H. (2009). Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil, 18, 934.
    • Setianingsih, A. I., Sangaji, S., & Setyawan, A. (2017). Road maintenance and rehabilitation program using functional and structural assessment. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, , 176(1)10.1088/1757-899X/176/1/012030