Typical Rainfall Distribution Pattern of Flood Event Caused by Tropical Cyclone at Bima City, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia


Rachna Sok(1*)

(1) #5, Street 275, Sangkat Boengkok I, Toul kok, Pnom Penh, CAMBODIA
(*) Corresponding Author


Tropical cyclones are the most serious meteorological phenomena that hit Bima city in December 2016. The strong winds and heavy precipitation associated with a typhoon significantly affect the weather in this city. The impact of a tropical cyclone on precipitation variability in Bima is studied using rainfall data for analyzing hourly rainfall distribution pattern during the event. Depend on the geographic situation and climate characteristic, the hourly rainfall distribution pattern of one area is different to others area. The research aims to analyze hourly rainfall distribution pattern in the form of the rainfall intensity distribution. This research is conducted using one automatic rainfall gauge in Bima city, West Nusa Tenggara province that obtained from Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD). The results showed that two events of rainfall were recorded. The first rainfall event was on 20th to 21st December 2016 with a total rainfall 191.4 mm. The second rainfall event occurred on 22nd to 23rd December 2016 with a total rainfall 126.2 mm. The rainfall distribution pattern has rainfall intensity peak at 45% of duration with cumulative rainfall reached 70%. It was found there is no common pattern of temporal rainfall distribution for rainfall induced by tropical cyclones.


Tropical cyclone; hourly rainfall distribution; automatic rainfall gauge

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jcef.34604

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