Why ASEAN is Cooperating in the Education Sector?


Jan Gawron(1*)

(1) University of Freiburg
(*) Corresponding Author


Over the last few years ASEAN member states have begun collaborating more tightly in the tertiary education sector, which has led to a cooperation agreement with the European Union to help harmonize and lift the overall standard of tertiary education in the region. However, the broader question is - why is that the case? Education is not considered a classical field of regional integration, and this chapter seeks to analyze various sources - which include references from elitist circles, as well as the public sphere - in order to identify the motivation for cooperation in the education sector through qualitative content analysis. The analysis is based on a theoretical framework, which incorporates both a neofunctionalist approach and a norm diffusion approach which show that the predominant factors behind this cooperation process are economic.


ASEAN, Cooperation, Education Sector

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/ikat.v1i1.27471

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