Adaptive Traffic Light Control Based on Actual Condition Using Google Map API

Adi Sabwa Isti Besari Arkanuddin(1), Selo Sulistyo(2), Anugerah Galang Persada(3*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Traffic congestion is one of the main problems in transportation sector and it causes a lot of drawbacks to public. The traffic light system is used to reduce the level of occurring traffic congestion. Generally, the available traffic light systems use a fixed time setting. This old traffic control system is no longer able to manage the ever-changing traffic conditions effectively and efficiently, causing a long queue of vehicles. To overcome this problem, a traffic light control system that can adapt to actual conditions of road density and can run automatically is offered. This system utilizes Google Map API as a road density data source. The result of this study is a traffic control system that can adjust the green light time duration based on the obtained density values and density trends, simulation of this adaptive system as well as simulation results analysis. A prototype of this adaptive control system was also produced in this study.


Traffic Lights; Adaptive; Google Map API; Green Light Time Duration; Density

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