Lineament Extraction using Gravity Data in the Citarum Watershed

Gumilar Utamas Nugraha(1*), Karit Lumban Goal(2), Lina Handayani(3), Rachmat Fajar Lubis(4)

(1) Research Center For Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences , Indonesia
(2) Research Center For Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences , Indonesia
(3) Research Center For Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences , Indonesia
(4) Research Center For Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences , Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Lineament is one of the most important features showing subsurface elements or structural weakness such as faults. This study aims to identify subsurface lineament patterns using automatic lineament in Citarum watershed with gravity data. Satellite gravity data were used to generate a sub-surface lineament. Satellite gravity data corrected using Bouguer and terrain correction to obtain a complete Bouguer anomaly value. Butterworth filters were used to separate regional and residual anomaly from the complete Bouguer anomaly value. Residual anomaly gravity data used to analyze sub-surface lineament. Lineament generated using Line module in PCI Geomatica to obtain sub-surface lineament from gravity residual value. The orientations of lineaments and fault lines were created by using rose diagrams. The main trends observed in the lineament map could be recognized in these diagrams, showing a strongly major trend in NW-SE, and the subdominant directions were in N-S. Area with a high density of lineament located at the Southern part of the study area. High-density lineament might be correlated with fractured volcanic rock upstream of the Citarum watershed, meanwhile, low-density lineament is associated with low-density sediment. The high-density fracture might be associated with intensive tectonics and volcanism.


Citarum Watershed, Lineament, Gravity, Conservation

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