The Analysis of Geospatial Information for Validating Some Numbers of Islands in Indonesia

Sukendra - Martha(1*)

(1) Geo-spatial Information Agency; and National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


This article discusses a comparison of various numbers of islands in Indonesia; and it addresses a valid method of accounting or enumerating numbers of islands in Indonesia. Methodology used is an analysis to compare the different number of islands from various sources.  First, some numbers of  Indonesian islands were derived from: (i) Centre for Survey and Mapping- Indonesian Arm Forces (Pussurta ABRI) recorded as 17,508 islands; (ii) Agency for Geospatial Information (BIG) previously known as National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (Bakosurtanal) as national mapping authority reported with 17,506 islands (after loosing islands of  Sipadan and Ligitan); (iii) Ministry of Internal Affair published 17,504 islands. Many parties have referred the number of 17,504 islands even though it has not yet been supported by back-up documents; (iv) Hidrographic Office of Indonesian Navy has released with numbers of 17,499; (v) Other sources indicated different numbers of islands, and indeed will imply to people confusion. In the other hand, the number of 13,466 named islands has a strong document (Gazetteer). Second, enumerating the total number of islands in Indonesia can be proposed by three ways: (i) island census through toponimic survey, (ii) using map, and (iii) applying remote sensing images. Third, the procedures of searching valid result in number of islands is by remote sensing approach - high resolution satellite images. The result of this work implies the needs of one geospatial data source (including total numbers of islands) in the form of ‘One Map Policy’ that will impact in the improvement of  Indonesian geographic data administration.



number of Indonesian islands, island definition, method for counting islands.

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ISSN 2354-9114 (online), ISSN 0024-9521 (print)
