The Tweetology of New and Renewable Energy in Indonesia

Ariana Yunita(1*), Sara Florensia Telaumbanua(2), Ade Irawan(3)

(1) Department of Computer Science, Universitas Pertamina, Jakarta
(2) Department of Computer Science, Universitas Pertamina, Jakarta
(3) Department of Computer Science, Universitas Pertamina, Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The amount of unstructured data is increasing annually, which is promising for
gaining insights. Twitter, a platform producing unstructured data, is currently one of the most
popular media platforms used for conducting research on a topic's trend. This study attempts to
analyze the topic of New and Renewable Energy (NRE) in Indonesia. The purpose of this study
is to gain insights into the NRE topic trend over the last ten years by modeling the topics
discussed on Twitter and examining the location distribution of users who post tweets about the
topic. Accordingly, this study employed descriptive analysis, geocoding analysis, and topic
modeling. The results of descriptive analysis show that the development of NRE has accelerated
in recent years, particularly in 2021. Geocoding analysis reveals that the distribution of people
who engage in NRE posting activities is dominated by DKI Jakarta province. Topic modeling
yielding two topics that were discussed the most by Indonesians over a 10-year period. The two
topics are related to government policies that support the development of NRE and electricity,
which is Indonesia's focus in NRE. This study highlights the importance of analyzing the
Tweetology of NRE.


Text mining; New and renewable energy; Twitter; Geocoding analysis; Topic modeling

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