Clustering followers of influencers accounts based on likes and comments on Instagram Platform

Puji Winar Cahyo(1*), Muhammad Habibi(2)

(1) Department of Informatics, FTTI UNJANI, Yogyakarta
(2) Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The promotion of goods or services is now facilitated by the dissemination of information through Instagram. Dissemination of information is usually done by influencers or promotional accounts. The account used certainly has a lot of followers. Because of the large amount of follower data in that account, it can be grouped into the same characters. This is done to determine the potential for promotion using social media accounts. This study uses data from 2 popular accounts. The first account is an artist with the username ayutingting92. The second account is Infounjaya, the official promotion account from Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Yogyakarta. The results of grouping can divide follower data into two cluster groups with different interactions. The basic difference between the two groups is the number of likes and comments. The infounjaya account analysis results showed that of 4,906 followers, only 3,211 followers were actively involved in the interaction, 1,695 followers were passive followers who did not like or did not comment on the interaction. Meanwhile, the results of the ayutingting92 follower cluster show that out of 1 million sample data followers, only 13,591 followers were actively involved in the interaction of likes and comments, 986,409 were passive followers.


Cluster; Instagram; Fuzzy; Social Media; Influencer

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