Improvement of Convolutional Neural Network Accuracy on Salak Classification Based Quality on Digital Image

Muhammad Faqih Dzulqarnain(1*), Suprapto Suprapto(2), Faizal Makhrus(3)

(1) Master Program in Computer Science, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(2) Departement of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(3) Departement of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Salak is a seasonal fruit that has high export value. The success of salak fruit exported is influence by selection process, but there is still a problem in it. The selection of salak still done manually and potentially misclassified. Research to automate the selection of salak fruit has been done before. The process of selection this salak fruits used convolutional neural network (CNN) based on image of salak fruits. The resulting of accuracy value from previous research is 70.7% for four class classification model and 81.45% for two class classification model. This research was conducted to increase accuracy value the classification of salak exported based on previous research. Accuracy improvement by changing the noise removal process to produce a better image. The changing also occur in the CNN architecture that layer convolution is more deep and with additional parameters such as Stride, Zero Padding, and Adam Optimizer. This change hopefully can increase the accuracy value of the salak classification. The results showed an accuracy value increased 22.72% from 70.70% to 93.42% for the category of four classes CNN models and increased 13,29% from 81.45% to 94.74% for category two classes.


sorting salak fruit; Convolutional Neural Network; digital image; increased accuracy; parameter

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