Cased Based Reasoning to Identify Cause Conflicts in Marriage

Arief Ichwani(1*), Suprapto Suprapto(2)

(1) Informatics Engineering Department, Institute of Technology Sumatera, Lampung Selatan
(2) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, UGM, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The function of KUA in the activities surrounding the religion of Islam, including providing service and guidance in the area of present services in terms of marriage and reconcilement for Muslims, provide services and guidance in the field of development of Sakina, family consultation conflict or household problems, and so on. Integration between the computer and artificial intelligence into the post-wedding consulting services is one approach in overcoming the limitations of the expert (religious instructor).

This research aims to identify conflict in marriage by applying Naive Bayes algorithm at the stage of determining the groups of test data (retrieve), then entered the stage of the search process of the highest similarity value by using the Nearest Neighbor algorithm (reuse). The data source and the test data used are divided into two groups, namely marriage, and history data consultation, While the group conflicts are identified will be divided into five classes, namely an employment factor, the factor of age, educational factors, factors the number of weddings, and social status.

Testing is performed by the use of 12 data, consisting of 11 data cases and 1 test data. At the stage of determination of group conflict acquired test data included in group one i.e. F001 (factor of the job), so at the stage of looking for value similarities used only the base case of the class F001 i.e. KK001, KK003, and KK008. The KK001 similarity has a value of 0476, KK003 of 0882, and KK008 of 0142. The case with most high similarity value will be stored as a base case. If the value similarity obtained less than the threshold value that is 0.8, then the solution of the case will be revised by experts. The results of the calculation accuracy, using 35 new test data that gets the value of 82.86%.


case-based reasoning;naive Bayes;nearest neighbor

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