Strategi Peningkatan Aksesibilitas Arsip Statis Sebagai Informasi Publik Pada Lembaga Kearsipan di Era Keterbukaan Informasi

Tri Yekti Mufidati(1*), Luki Wijayanti(2)

(1) University of Indonesia
(2) Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Accessibility of archival information in the era of information disclosure is marked by the development of technology and information, which is a challenge for archival institutions in meeting community needs for historical information sourced from archives. As a public information institution, archival institutions must transform in carrying out their functions and duties in order to provide excellent service to the public using static archives. However, in practice, efforts to realize the accessibility of static archives as a source of public information at archival institutions (LK) have experienced problems related to the deposit of archives as a collective memory. This is caused by two things, namely that there are still many archive creators who have not submitted static archives to le, and the limited understanding and archival outreach of the public. This study describes how to improve the accessibility of archives as public information on LK in the era of information disclosure, using a qualitative approach and literature study methods. The results of this study indicate that the low accessibility of archives is caused by the lack of optimal archival management development, the low availability of archives as a result of the low quality of archive management in LK, and the lack of public understanding of the role of LK as a repository of historical information.




Archive accessibility; Archival institutions; Archival outreach; Information literacy; Public information; Public information disclosure

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