Variasi Kalimat Tunggal dan Majemuk Dalam Wacana Iklan Mobil di Kedaulatan Rakyat

Aji Prasetyo(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Sentence variation analysis in this study was an analysis based on variation patterns of single sentence in car advertising discourse based on  word category on verb, including simple sentence with its predicated verb, simple sentence with its predicated adjective, simple sentence with its predicated noun, simple sentence with its predicated prepositional phrase, and simple sentence with its predicated numeral phrase. Variation patterns analysis of compound sentence in car advertising discourse is based on function structure, i.e. subject (S), predicate (P), object (O), complement (Pel.), and adverb (K).This study aimed to describe simple sentence pattern variations in car advertising discourse based on word category in predicate and to describe compound sentence pattern variations in car advertising discourse based on its function structure. This research was a qualitative descriptive, namely research that describes, depicts or illustrates systematically. The object of this study was a single sentence and a compound in car advertisings in the Kedaulatan Rakyat, 2015. This research data was the variation of a single sentence and a compound in car advertising in the newspaper. Data collected used the method of direct observation, technical notes, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used methods agih. This research used techniques to change intentions, these techniques are always changing the form of one or several elements lingual related. Analysis of variation of the sentence in this research was the analysis of clause based on a function of its elements.


compound sentences, simple sentence, advertising discourse

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