Gaya hidup terkait hipertensi dan partisipasi dalam program layanan penyakit kronis di kabupaten Batang

Mutmainah Bahrun(1*), Yayi Suryo Prabandari(2), Yulita Hendrartini(3)

(1) Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Batang
(2) Departemen Perilaku Kesehatan, Lingkungan dan Kedokteran Sosial, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Hypertension-related lifestyle and participation in chronic disease service programs in Batang district


The purpose of this paper was to explore the behavior of hypertension patients who participated in the universal health coverage that forms a lifestyle in the prevention of complications due to hypertension.


A qualitative-case study was conducted involving observations and depth interviews to 13 hypertension patients who participated in universal health coverage, including 2 wives and 1 husband of patients with hypertension, and also 3 doctors who were BPJS partners in Batang.


The study found that first, hypertension patients in Batang knew that they were potentially affected by complications due to hypertension. Second, there was a difference in experience and behavior among hypertension patients of prolanis (chronic disease service programs) members and non-prolanis members. The behavior of hypertension patients of prolanis members tended to be better than non-prolanis. Third, consumption of antihypertensive drugs was preferred in the prevention of complications due to hypertension rather than improving or modifying the behavior of hypertension patients.


The positive experience of hypertension patients while being a JKN participant of prolanis and non-prolanis members formed a different lifestyle, and also had different prevention efforts. Innovative, adaptive and accessible information delivery needs to be considered in an effort to improve the lifestyle behavior of hypertension patients.


healthy lifestyles; hypertension; universal health coverage; primary care physicians; Prolanis


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