The effect of vlog based educational material on the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of female adolescents in preventing iron deficiency anemia

Siti - Damayanti(1*), Dida Akhmad Gurnida(2), Dewi Marheini Diah Herawati(3)

(1) Universitas Padjadjaran
(*) Corresponding Author


Purpose: Iron deficiency is a significant nutrient problem, a major nutritional problem, especially iron-deficiency anemia. The video blog (vlog) is one of the educational tools in the form of audiovisual. The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of education using video blogs (vlogs) on increasing the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of young women on the prevention and countermeasures of iron-nutrient anemia. 

Methods: The study used the quasi-experimental design in 2 groups consisting of 36 respondents per group. The subjects were young women who meet the criteria and have smartphones. We used a simple random sampling technique. The group first received a video blog (vlog) and the second group received a media booklet. The questionnaires were first tested for validity and reliability. Media Video Blog validated by three audiovisual experts and three nutritionists. Test the influence and test the difference is done using SPSS version 20. 

Result: Quantitative analysis results showed that the pretest-posttest score showed an increase in knowledge (p < 0.001), attitudes (p < 0.001), and behaviors (p < 0.001) about the prevention and countermeasures of iron-nutritional anemia After the video blog intervention (vlog) and media booklet. 

Conclusion: Education using video blogs (vlogs) can improve knowledge and attitudes, except improved behavior using higher media booklets.  

Keywords: Iron nutrient deficiency anemia; vlog-based educational material, female adolescents, social media


Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Anemia Gizi Besi; edukasi;video blog (vlog)


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