The risk factors of type II diabetes mellitus in women at childbearing age

Anggi Putri Aria Gita(1*), Kusuma Estu Werdani(2)

(1) Health Administration, Faculty of Health, Kusuma Husada Surakarta University
(2) Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Muhammadiyah Surakarta University
(*) Corresponding Author


Purpose: This study explores the dominant risk factors which cause diabetes Mellitus type II in women of childbearing age in the catchment area of  Puskesmas (primary health center) Purwosari, Surakarta.

Method: This case-control study used  150 respondents, 50 for the case group and 100 for the control group. The questionnaire includes information on family-related DM history, eating pattern, body mass index (BMI), and physical activity. The bivariate analysis used chi-square, and the multivariate used logistic regression.

Results: The factors of DM Type II case risk are physical activity (p= 0,002; OR= 3,269; 95% CI= 1,533-6,973), family-related DM history (p= 0,004; OR= 3,121; 95% CI= 1,425-6,835), eating pattern (p= 0,016; OR= 2,646; 95% CI= 1,200-5,834) and BMI before ailing DM Type II (p=0,008; OR= 2,597; 95% CI=1,273-5,298).

Conclusion: The dominant factor is the lack of physical activity with the probability of 3,3 times higher.


risk factor; DM type II; eating pattern; BMI; physical activity

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