Physical activities on campus with minimum exercise facilities

Siti Fatimah(1*)

(1) Health Promotion Major of Karya Husada Yogyakarta Health Polytechnic
(*) Corresponding Author


Purpose: The purpose of this model is to discover an idea of physical activity on campus having less than adequate facilities, especially in Poltekkes Karya Husada Yogyakarta.

Method: This is a review of physical activity on campus, that does not require a lot of facilities. References are taken through articles that are open access from Google Scholar. Keywords used in this review are “physical activity on campus” that were published from 2009-2019. After finding a suitable one, a model was developed with specific references based on the types of physical activity.

Results: Physical activity that is suitable in minimal campus facilities include walking or cycling to campus, using stairs, and stretching between work and college.

Conclusion: Stretching in study hours, going up and down the stairs, and cycling to campus are activities that can be performed anywhere without requiring expensive additional facilities. It can result in 43 minutes of physical activity without having scheduled time. This review can be applied for physical activity on Poltekkes Karya Husada and another campus with minimal facilities.


physical activity; healthy campus; minimum facility

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