Penyuluhan cara pencegahan penularan tuberkulosis dan pemakaian masker di keluarga penderita: pengalaman dari Johar Baru, Jakarta Pusat

Kholis Ernawati(1*), Rifqatussa’adah Rifqatussa’adah(2), Rifda Wulansari(3), Ndaru Andri Damayanti(4), Titiek Djannatun(5)

(1) Universitas YARSI
(2) Universitas YARSI
(3) Universitas YARSI
(4) Universitas YARSI
(5) Universitas YARSI
(*) Corresponding Author


Health education on transmission prevention and use of masks in families with tuberculosis patient: the experience from Johar Baru, Central Jakarta


The objective of the activity is to educate TB patients and families of TB patients about how to prevent TB transmission and the correct use of masks and the use of masks.


Activity targets were 35 people from 20 families of TB patients in Johar Baru area, Central Jakarta. Activities carried out were socialization, counseling about the use of masks, giving masks to respondents, and evaluation activities. The extension media used were posters on "5 Ways of TB Prevention" and posters about wearing the correct mask. The counseling was conducted in three visits, ie on February 9, February 10, and February 14, 2017. The counseling was conducted to all families of TB patients who were targeted for the activity.


The result of the activity shows the education can increase the knowledge of the respondents about the prevention of TB transmission by 85.7%. In addition, it can improve the respondents’ knowledge about how to use masks and practice of mask use by 100%.


Continuous activity needs to be carried out so that good knowledge can be maintained and is expected to form a positive attitude and later expected to form good hygiene personal behavior.


counseling; family of TB patients; method of prevention of transmission; mask usage


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