Pengetahuan tentang manajemen program pada mahasiswa fakultas kesehatan masyarakat universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

Novi Inriyanny Suwendro(1), Mubasysyir Hasanbasri(2*), Rossi Sanusi(3)

(1) Departemen Kebijakan dan Manajemen Kesehatan, Fakultas kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Departemen Biostatistik, Epidemiologi dan Kesehatan Populasi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Departemen Kebijakan dan Manajemen Kesehatan, Fakultas kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Managerial knowledge among public health students in Sam Ratulangi University from Manado


This study aimed to identify the knowledge about management and its relation with individual characteristics, face-to-face courses, and field study experiences.


This research was an observational study using a cross-sectional design. The subjects were all last grade Public Health students of Sam Ratulangi University. A questionnaire was used as the research instrument. The independent variables were the individual characteristics and learning process, and the dependent variable was the students’ managerial knowledge. The data analysis used chi-square and multiple logistic regression tests.


The respondents were 206 students (61.13%). Students with a good knowledge about management were 48.54%. The significant determinants in individual level about students’ managerial knowledge were students’ satisfaction about lectures (OR: 2.1), parents’ occupation (OR: 2.9) and their desired position in the future (OR: 0.5). The face-to-face courses and field learning experience were not correlated with managerial knowledge.


There was some variation in students’ knowledge about the practice of managerial function. The managerial knowledge function has positive correlation with the satisfaction about lectures and parents’ occupation, but has a negative correlation with the intention to work in the Ministry of Health. Students who intended to work in the Ministry of Health have worse knowledge than those who did not intend to. Face-to-face courses and field study experience were not correlated with students’ managerial knowledge.


managerial competence; managerial function; learning process; public health faculty


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