Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Koleksi Buku Digital oleh Mahasiswa Pendidikan Dokter di Unit Perpustakaan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK UGM)


Sukirno Sukirno(1*)

(1) Perpustakaan UGM
(*) Corresponding Author


Role and function of library unit of medical faculty of Gajah Mada university prepares instrument and support facilities for student of medical education, namely preparing many kinds of information sources in health and medical unit. To fulfill the information need for student, it prepares information sources in various formats, either in printed form or digital form. Printed format is by preparing books, scholarly paper, government published, and magazine. Meanwhile, digital format includes books, scholarly paper, articles, even subscribe database in health and medical unit. Preparing this digital book collection is relevan with student tendency of medical education program in using collection. So that, this research  will evaluate the utility of digital book collection by student of medical education of medical faculty of GajahMadaUniversity. The problem formulation is how the student of medical faculty of Gajah Mada university utilize the digital book collection. The purpose oh this research are: (1) knowing the utility of digital book collection by student of medical education of medical faculty of Gajah Mada University., (2) giving opinion to library unit of medical faculty of Gajah Mada University in taking policy to develop digital book collection,  (3) giving opinion to the organizer of medical education of medical faculty of Gajah Mada University about the utility of book collection. The method in this research is by using quantitative approach with 94 respondents of  medical education student. Based on result and discussion in this research , it is known that the evaluation of digital book collection utility can be categorized good, if the score average is 85,3975 %. Almost all of the indicators get category good., except interest indicator of user. Their category is sufficient because the question for respondents in minor question form. Meanwhile recommendation based on respondents suggestions of proposals are: (1) access of digital book collection can be done from home or beyond of medical faculty area ofGajahMadaUniversity, (2) update digital book collection always be done, (3) library unit of medical faculty ofGajahMadaUniversity intensively socializes to student about the utility of digital book collection. 


Digital book collection, Library, Utility evaluation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/bip.7781

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