Strategi pengelolaan jurnal akses terbuka menggunakan open journal system (OJS)

Tangguh Okta Wibowo(1*)

(1) Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Introduction. This study tries to map a conceptual framework in the application of open journal system as a platform for open access journals. Research on scientific journals used as sources of references has been widely conducted, however, more research is needed to understand scientific journals as the object of study.

Method and analysis data. This study uses descriptive analysis by using multi-discipline perspective (prosumption -production and consumption- theory) in understanding the management and publication for academic e-journal in digital era, also to review the benefits and the obstacles.

Results and Discussions. The results provide better understanding of how a scientific journal should work. This study offers a framework for understanding that scientific journals should also build good relationships with authors and readers who have the potential to become potential authors, and reviewers.

Conclusion. This study tries to offer a strategy for managing open access journals so that conceptually can be used in understanding the development of continuous scientific journals, maintaining the quality of publications, and forming good communication between journal managers, writers, readers and reviewers.


communication; open access journal; open journal system; reference sources; scientific article

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