Pengaruh soft dan hard services terhadap akreditasi dan loyalitas pemustaka

Sungadi Sungadi(1*)

(1) Perpustakaan, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Introduction. As of January 2018 The Directorate of UII Library re-obtained the accreditation A from the National Library of Indonesia, and also become  the best unit of UII in 2017, it needs to have further evaluation.

Data collection method. The survey was conducted at UII Library in July-October 2017, with sample of 252 students as respondents using purposive sampling. The hypothesis in this paper was there is influence between soft and hard services to user loyalty through acceptable accreditation intervening variables.

Data analysis. The data was analysed by using multiple regression and path analysis in SPSS 16.0. Multiple regression was used to test direct influence between variables, while  path analysis was used   to determine the effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variables through intervening variable.

Results and Discussions. The results showed that  the level of service quality and loyalty was high-very high (79.75-82.83%). The simultaneous influence of soft service (X1) and hard service (X2) on loyalty (Z) through accreditation (Y) increased  from 0.329 to 0.442 (0.442> 0.329). Simultaneously soft service (X1), hard service (X2) via accreditation (Y)-affected loyalty of library users (Z).

Conclusions. In this research can be concluded that: Quality of service in UII Library Directorate in high condition s.d very high, while quality assurance level (accreditation) categorized high, and loyality pemustaka at very high level. The result of data analysis shows that the variable of soft service quality and hard there is direct influence to loyalty pemustaka. Meanwhile, the variable of soft and hard service through accreditation variable has an effect on the loyalty of the user.

Future researchers can develop this research by involving all libraries within the UII as an object of study.


Accreditation; Library; Loyalty; Reader; Soft and Hard Service

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